How to fear free Use the High Frequency Machine & is it 100% effective?

High Fequency

If you’ve been struggling with acne or unsightly blemishes, then you’ll want to think about using a high-frequency words spot treatment to help tame and treat your skin.

And yes, this treatment might sound hi-tech, but it’s a fairly simple process—the treatment uses a low-level electrical current to kill acne-causing bacteria on the skin, decrease inflammation, improve circulation, and even help tackle hard-to-treat hyperpigmentation.

What is High frequency?

High frequency machines is a technique that utilizes targeted thermal energy to treat acne, fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, cellulite, and under eye circles. “H-f uses small currents to oxygenate the skin,” explains Benjamin. Acne-causing bacteria’s worst nightmare, oxygen kills the pimple-inducing stuff on contact. “There are two kinds of high-frequency noise free electrodes; Argon gas and Neon gas,” she continues, “Argon gas is violet and is great for acne/oily skin. Neon gas is for anti-aging benefits.” So if you’re looking to treat acne with H-F, look for the Argon or violet variety.

Benefits Of High Frequency

  • Safely kills acne-causing bacteria
  • Minimizes inflammation and redness
  • Reduces post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH)
  • Reduces acne and prevents future breakouts
  • Shrinks enlarged pores
  • Oxygenates the skin
  • Increases circulation

Increases oxygen to the skin, improving the overall texture, tone, and glow and helps to treat acne problems. All of this promotes collagen stimulation and elastin production, providing a firmer and more youthful appearance. The oscillation produced by H-F aids in lymphatic drainage and helps to evenly disperse excess fluid.

here are five key benefits of a H-F facial, including increased circulation, increased collagen production, increased lymphatic drainage, killing acne-causing bacteria and decreased sebum production.

If you are looking for help with any of these five benefits, talk to your dermatologist to see if a H-F facial could be beneficial to you.

Increased circulation and blood flow

This increase in blood circulation brings in an influx of nutrients that heal the skin and hair. This immediate circulation rush will improve your dull complexion giving you a radiant glow.

Increased collagen and elastin production

As we age, we lose collagen and elastin, which leads to wrinkles and sagging skin. H-F increased collagen and elastin production will help fade fine lines and improve the overall texture and tone of the skin. It can also help reduce the size of pores.

Increased lymphatic drainage

This will help rid the body of toxins, which damage the skin. It also reduces puffy eyes and dark circles around the eyes.

Kills acne-causing bacteria

The antibacterial action of oxygen can treat active acne skin lesions and prevent new acne. It may not work on all cases or types of acne, such as cystic acne. 

A high frequency facial is not a replacement for the proper medical treatment of acne but an adjunct to help the medications. Also, it will allow better penetration of acne medications.

Decreased sebum production

This can help reduce acne breakouts and decrease pore size to give you a clearer complexion.

High Frequency Facial

what is a high frequency facial? High frequency facial Machines help promote healing, reduce acne, stimulate the production of collagen to firm skin and reduce stretch marks.

This gentle oscillating and safe H-F electrode helps enhance blood circulation and blood flow. The rapid rate of oscillation helps with the production levels of collagen and skin rejuvenation.

A lymphatic drainage facial is another great option to help deliver oxygen to your skin and pushing away any toxins.

Recent studies have shown that this skin care product penetration creates an anti-bacterial action for natural cleansing. In the late 1800’s renowned scientist Nikola Tesla discovered the power of H-F electrical currents.

It was originally used for the treatment of strep throat and other infections but in modern times it is used for various contours of the face.

It’s great for prone skin, oily skin, and cold sores for skin care product absorption and a subtle glow.

H-F facials are most effective when used several times per month over a period of six weeks or more. For medical purposes consult your doctor or esthetician if you have any skin conditions. 

Does high frequency kill bacteria?

H-F oxygenates the surface of the skin, kills P. acne bacteria, stimulates circulation and aids in detoxification, contracts blood vessels minimizing red inflamed skin. … This kind of treatment also can aid in shrinking pores, reducing signs of aging and stopping persistent acne in its tracks.

How to buy professional high frequency machine?

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